PVGrows Forum: Collaboration for a Thriving Food System

Event Type:


January 10, 2018 12:00am


Pioneer Valley


The 2018 Pioneer Valley Grows Forum will be a day of learning about the challenges of ongoing food systems projects in the Valley. Together we will provide feedback and support to those projects.

For years, PVGrows Forums have provided our community valuable opportunities to make new connections, adopt fresh perspectives, and expand our capacity to work together. The 2018 Forum will leverage this tradition of collaboration to dig deep with the leaders of some of the most innovative - and challenging - food systems projects in the Valley. 

The centerpiece of the event will be a series of roundtable discussions during which attendees will have the opportunity to work closely with the leaders of the featured projects. Together we will bring our shared knowledge to the table, brainstorm new strategies and tactics, and forge new opportunities for collaboration. As a community we will collaborate for a thriving food system.

2018 PVGrows Forum: Collaboration for a Thriving Food System

Top of Our City Conference Center at Springfield Technical Community College

Save the Date! Registration Will Open Soon.

PVGrows Forums are events that bring together 100-150 food system stakeholders and participants to spend a day deeply exploring the Pioneer Valley food system. Learn more about the PVGrows Network, the annual forum, and the Open Call for Projects to be Featured at the Forum!